Use & Care
PENSAFE Inc. is constantly seeking new ways to improve the specifications, design and production of it’s products. Alterations take place continually; therefore, this website should not be regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications. All goods are supplied on the condition that the purchaser does all that is reasonably possible to ensure that the user of the equipment is competent in it’s use. We trust that the descriptions contained in this website will be of assistance and should not be considered a substitute for correct training by qualified personnel.
Product distributors and OEM manufacturers should make all users aware of the following information:
No Connector is to be used in a connection where the gate keeper may be loaded. Care must be taken to avoid loading the connector across the gate, particularly over edges or other obstructions.
Please check the anticipated orientation during loading before use.
Connectors and anchorages should be selected to ensure there is appropriate dimensional and configured compatibility. Connectors are not to be connected to another connector. No more than one connector should be connected to any connection point at one time unless this has been specifically designed for and authorized; compatibility and interference must be considered. No foreign items should be used in conjunction with a connector. Connectors are utilized in a variety of fall protection equipment systems. Always verify before use that your equipment consists of products compatible with each other and in conformity with the applicable regulations, standards and directives in force. Where fixed anchorages are used they should be selected to ensure that the connector gate and/or connector locking mechanism cannot be compromised. Gate size as compared to the intended anchorage must be considered before intended use. Connectors with gate openings greater than one inch must not be connected to d-rings or d-ring anchorage connectors. Connectors must be connected such that in the event of a fall, the connector is loaded on its major axis. Loading of connectors in any orientation other than that of the major axis may result in the failure of the connector.
All connectors should be cleaned and lubricated periodically as per PenSafe instructions. If cleaning and lubrication does not result in a perfectly functioning connector, replace the connector immediately. Connector obsolescence is related to use and storage conditions; generally, connectors are conservatively estimated to have a useful life of five years or less.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever about the safe condition of the connector replace it immediately. During use the gate-keeper must close and lock. If the connector has been used to arrest a fall it shall be withdrawn from use and destroyed. Also verify that the system has been properly assembled and that each component functions without interfering with any of the other components. Immediately before use, visually and functionally inspect to ensure that the connector is in a serviceable condition and operates correctly. There must not be any signs of wear, corrosion, deformation or defects in general. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that he/she understands the correct and safe use of the connector. Connectors are designed for normal climatic conditions. All contact with chemical reagents or other corrosive substances should be avoided. The user must be adequately trained in the appropriate techniques and security measures to be adopted. PenSafe assumes responsibility only for the uses for which the product is designed, and is not responsible for product failure related to poor maintenance, user negligence, or where the product has been modified or repaired by persons not specifically authorized. PenSafe declines any and all responsibility for accidents, injuries or death due to improper application and incorrect use of its products by the user and/or failure to follow the above-mentioned instructions.
Field Cleaning Method Instructions (pdf)
Functional Testing Instructions (pdf)
What NOT to Do With Your PenSafe Product